Friday, June 30, 2017


This Must Be a Scam......

Freebie Trading must be a scam since you have spent your time only to get frustrated and angry. You are tired of trying to no avail, no one is helping you, and you are getting nowhere!

Total confusion, not clear on what you need to do, and you are feeling totally out of sorts. You know you learn fast, but there are so many rules, so many instructions, and the more you read the  more confusing it becomes.

Who needs this? 


 Not Meeting Your Expectations.....

You were under the impression that this was an easy way to earn prizes and money, at least that's what all the ads were inferring. 

So, you decided to give it a try, after all what do you have to lose?  You really are just trying to earn a little more income or one of those great prizes, how hard can that be?

You get excited and tell your friends and family, to which they tell you your crazy and it is just another Internet Scam. They are probably right but you are going to be the one to find this out for yourself.

Funny how people always fear what they don't know about and are never willing to LEARN. Where would we be today, if no one stuck their neck out to try new ideas? 

So you jump in, sign up on a site, do an offer and OMG nothing happens. No one is there it help you, answer your questions, or let you know what to do next. This is indeed a Scam, all those who told me so were right!

What Should You Do Next?.....

You finally realize that you need some Mentoring, someone to help you understand what to do, to help you understand  how this business works, and to help you to achieve your goals.

You hit a "Freebie Forum" and you think you have at last found the answer to all your problems. After looking around you realize there are a lot of rules that you didn't know about or even understand.

Not understanding is easy and almost everyone can deal with that. Just go turn on the TV or play one of your Internet games. Just give up on Freebie Trading, it's too hard.

You Lazy People!!!

In your frustration, you just give up. You forget that Freebie Trading is not going anywhere and you have all the time you need to become successful. Suck it up and be determined to  conquer your fears.

If you would just READ, READ, READ and then READ some more. Find a Mentor to help you, one that you feel comfortable working with, and who will be there for you 24/7. One who has experience, who has completed many successful trades, and who is knowledgeable about every aspect of Freebie Trading.

Your Final Choices.....

You have two choices at this point. You can Read & Learn, or be one of the 90% of people who give up. If you chose the later, take extra care not to let the door hit your ass on your way out.
The decision is totally up to you.

If you want to give this awesome business a try, you can register HERE for Free, then contact your appointed Mentor and be on your way to a New Life in the Wonderful World of Freebie Trading.

I hope this Blog has provided you with both information and enjoyment. 

Please feel free to leave a comment,
Penney Martellaro

Phone: 573-732-4054

What would you do if this was your Paypal account?

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